broccoli rows

Broccoli Rows in the new High Tunnel

It’s dreary and wet, but I don’t think it’s something we’re not accustomed to nowadays. Happy New Year to everyone! And we want to extend a big thank you to all the people who helped make 2013 a success. Without our loyal customers and new ones wanting local, homegrown produce and trees, we wouldn’t be able to do what we love. So, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Our high tunnel has proven to be quite useful this cold, wet winter. The broccoli is coming up nicely and should be ready to cut in a few weeks.


More Broccoli

We have lots of new and exciting things in the works for this year already and can’t wait till it dries up and we can get things started. Our friend Steve McCrary (@ McCrary Farms in Molena, GA) started 500 tomato seeds for us in his greenhouse today. We’re also working to revamp our website, logo, everything! Please feel free to leave feedback on Facebook or on the Contact Form as to what you’d like to see available for 2014 – just remember what can grow here!

Hope everyone’s New Year was great and no one had any major blunders like I did (apparently you’re not supposed to wash clothes on New Year’s Day – it will wash all your good luck down the drain)!
